Dear Virtual Potluck, You are Delicious!

The Virtual Potluck bloggers blew us away with their Thanksgiving-themed recipes from our first recipe adventure together. Remember the deliciousness? Check it out here if you need a refresher.

These bloggers threw down the gauntlet in terms of tastiness, so we upped the stakes after the recipes were submitted by surprising the bloggers with one last twist…we announced we’d be sending another round of special ingredients to one of the bloggers. We asked for feedback to help us pick, and after hearing from readers, fans, and a few of the bloggers’ mothers 😉 we realized we couldn’t just pick one…

So congrats to Food Hunter’s Guide to Cuisine and Farmgirl Gourmet, you’re both just too delicious! And you’re both getting a surprise in the mail for your pantry.  Please email us your address again.

Food Hunter’s Guide to Cuisine created an original recipe for arancini stuffed with a spicy mushroom ragu. Arancini is no easy task in the kitchen, so kudos to you! Farmgirl Gourmet’s Arborio veggie burger with vanilla barbecue sauce sounded uniquely delicious, and she managed to use all of the ingredients we sent her.

We want to give a big thank you to all of the bloggers – it’s so great to read your creative recipes and it is always a fabulous experience to interact with you.

We are officially smitten with the Virtual Potluck…we can’t wait to see what’s next.

5 Replies to “Dear Virtual Potluck, You are Delicious!”

  1. WOW! How cool is this? I’m so excited!! Thanks for picking me! The burgers (although not so Thanksgiving-y) were out of this world…due to the exceptional ingredients from Marx Foods. I’m looking forward to my surprise in the mail!


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